Project Description
Operational Supervision Portal (PSO)
Software development for rescue services.
The PSO is a software for French rescue services. Its main purpose is to regroup at the same place, in the same software, various features which were originally dispachew between several softwares.
Using recent software development technologies – such as Spring Boot, Microservices, Angular Frontend and so on… – this webapp use data from rescue service databases and provide them in a ergonomical and responsive way.
The app can be accessed through desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Many manual tasks are automatized through this app.
The PSO contains an Artificial intelligence, working as a daemon, crawling and reacting on database changes (such as new intervention in the area). The main AI purpose is to automate repetitive tasks currently done by humans. For example, some people -which must know some informations about this intervention – are automatically advised using SMS and emails.
Specific attention was paid to cartography. A system for retrieving the GPS coordinates of fire trucks was developed. Using these data, the system is able to represent their positions in real time on a map.

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